Awakening Retreat 

A Spiritual Retreat for High School Youth (Grades 9-12)

We are excited to offer this incredibly inspiring experience to high school-aged youth! Similar to retreats held in the Diocese of Helena over the past few decades, this weekend will flow between fun, prayer, Sacraments, & faith-centered activities.

Pertinent Details:

Cell Phone-Free Experience: 

No cell phones allowed for participants during the weekend. Please leave them at home. Parents/Guardians will receive contact information to reach staff on-site for any emergencies.


Arrive on Friday, January 31 between 6-6:30pm. Conclude on Sunday, February 2 at 1pm.. Participants must commit to being present for the entire weekend; we are unable to accommodate late arrivals/early departures.


Immaculate Conception Parish Hall (605 Clark St., Deer Lodge, MT 59722)


The cost of the Retreat is $75. We are currently having trouble with our registration software so will not be asked to pay at registration. Please send payments to Holy Rosary's Office.

We want everyone to be able to go on this retreat so we just ask to pay what you can.  We will cover the rest. 


Everyone will be responsible for their own transportation but we will try to work on carpooling with everyone who registers .   


Click here if you are able and willing to help, whether for an hour or the whole weekend, we will gladly put you to work. High school youth who have already done an Awakening Retreat as a youth participant may also volunteer to help. Please contact Shai Hill (; 406.491.1970) or Alex Olmes (; 707.980.2351) with questions.